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Photography Style

Cyndi Hardy Photographic Style | Arizona and California Photographer

Describing your style as a visual artist is always a bit of a struggle because it’s always evolving. Every year your work shifts a little because you’re always seeking new angles, new ways of seeing, and new ways of making the camera see what you feel.

However, there are some constants, and I’d love to share with you what mine are.

I love when a photo tells a story. I can’t think of anything more powerful than looking at an image and understanding immediately what is going on and also understanding immediately that there is more to the story that makes you curious about the people or subject.

My work is deeply influenced by nature, color, and the earth. I bring that into every photo shoot, and the clients that hire me feel a connection to the earth, too, whether they love the ocean, the desert, or the mountains.

The best photos are born of a great client experience. It doesn’t matter how talented you are; nobody wants to spend their day with a crankyass photographer. I’m there for you every step of the way, and I’m the most chillass photographer you will meet.

It’s my goal to create beautiful, meaningful art for you.

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